Friday, August 28, 2020
Gravitational Force
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation Apples had a noteworthy commitment to the revelation of attractive energy. The English physicist Isaac Newton (1642-1727) presented the term â€Å"gravity†after he saw an apple falling onto the ground in his nursery. â€Å"Gravity†is the power of fascination applied by the earth on an article. The moon circles around the earth as a result of gravity as well. Newton later recommended that gravity was only a specific instance of attractive energy. Each mass known to man draws in each different mass. This is the principle thought of Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. A representation of Issac Newton. Politeness of AIP Emilio Segre VisualArchives, W. F. Meggers Collection. The law was distributed in Newton's acclaimed work, the Principia (â€Å"Mathematical Principles of Natural Knowledge†) in 1687. It expresses that each molecule known to man applies a power on each other molecule along the line joining their focuses. The extent of the power is legitimately relative to the result of the majority of the two particles, and contrarily corresponding to the square of the separations between them. In scientific terms: By group C007571, ThinkQuest2000. where and are the majority of the two particles, r is the separation between the two masses, F is the gravitational power among sew, and G is the all inclusive gravitational steady, . The above condition just ascertains the gravitational power of the least difficult case between two particles. Consider the possibility that there are more than two. All things considered, we figure the resultant gravitational power on a molecule by finding the vector whole of all the gravitational powers following up on it: By adding the unit vector to the condition, F presently forms a course! Intelligently test the impacts of attractive energy on planets! Newton determined the connection so that F is corresponding to m on the grounds that the power on a falling body (recollec t the apple? ) is straightforwardly roportional to its mass by Newton's second law of movement: F = mama, so F is corresponding to m . At the point when the earth applies a power on the falling body, by Newton's third law of Motion, the falling body applies an equivalent and inverse power on the earth. Consequently, the gravitational power F is relative to both the majority of the falling body and the earth, I. e. what's more, . The converse square relationship , was supported by watching the movement of the moon. Perspective on a full moon. Kindness of NIX NASA Image Exchange Photo ID: AS11-44-6667 Date Taken: 07/21/69 Johannas Kepler Courtesy of : AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives. Newton's Law of UniversalGravitation has effectively clarified the perception on planetary developments made by the German space expert Kepler (1571-1630). It works entirely well in the realm of customary experience and has overwhelmed for around 250 years. It, in any case, shows its inadequacies while c larifying the abnormal circle of Mercury around the Sun. It separates when the gravitational powers get solid or including bodies moving at speeds close to that of light. Einstein's General Theory of Relativity of 1915, which has beaten this confinements of Newton's Law, had the option to exhibit a superior hypothesis of attractive energy. Home Gravitational possible vitality
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Founding Brothers Essay Example for Free
Establishing Brothers Essay The epic, Founding Brothers, composed by Joseph Ellis is an intriguing novel on the interweaved lives of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr and Ben Franklin. Ellis calls the 1790’s the most unequivocal decade in our nation. The creator embodies three significant focuses in our nation’s history: George Washington and his unmistakable inheritance; the collective yet adversarial connection between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams; and the numerous issues of the youthful association during its progressive time. George Washington was a fantastic character and assumed an imperative job in the trim of our nation. Despite the fact that, his notoriety was about immaculate, he was incredible in height, remaining at six foot four. The goodbye address was a key component to Washington’s inheritance. In this he showed that he was so appreciative to have such a momentous chance to serve his nation, in spite of the fact that this just was the starting piece of his discourse. Furthermore he chose to pressure the significance of the association. However, it began in 1776 when Washington was being depicted as â€Å"Father of our Country†rashly. Indeed, even Ben Franklin recognized Washington’s matchless quality. In the 1790’s Washington was notable, he was the directing official at the Constitutional Convention and the CEO of the government. â€Å"Washington was the center of gravity that kept the American Revolution from taking off into arbitrary circles, the steady revolve around which the progressive energies formed†(Ellis 121). He affected the administration hugely with his perspective and his mentality toward the requirement for national solidarity. He discussed autonomy from outside countries; he dedicated a few sections to this in his in his location. Washington consistently made the prosperity of the nation first. For instance, when Continental Congress needed assistance the French with an attack of Canada, Washington contradicted. He expected that that placing the France possessing that capital that they would get covetous, and questioned that they would pull back once they were tucked away in Canada. I imagine that he may have felt that likewise, America was youthful and as yet developing as a nation. He was condemned for this choice. In shutting on Washington’s inheritance, I feel that there were numerous reasons why he resigned. To put it plainly, he was simply getting old and presumably couldn’t take the political weight. He was additionally experiencing a physical decrease. Washington proposed for his goodbye address to be counsel to his comrades. He needed them to support without, and without a ruler. Adams and Jefferson were for sure companions yet had various motivation on how the nation ought to be run. Their relationship was remarkable; they were incredible companions yet far and away superior contenders. The administration divided them. Adams was a federalist, and Jefferson was a majority rule republican in a manner of speaking. Through the Continental congress and discretionary missions they turned out to be dear companions. As they worked all the more together Adams grew more regard Jefferson, in spite of the fact that he was less profuse. The depressed spot of their relationship was certainly after the political race in 1800. After this their relationship turned out to be progressively opposing. As legislators and partners they experienced numerous stages. After the political decision they didn't represent a long 12 years. Adams felt that Jefferson had sold out their fellowship. After the demise of Jefferson little girl, Abigail Adams started to trade letters of sympathies. Jefferson befuddled it as an encouragement to accommodate with Adams family. The two contested quickly, John didn’t discover until a while later. At long last in January of 1812, Adams sent a letter from Quincy to Monticello. â€Å"Why at that point, did Adams make the decisive stride, which prompted a multi year trade of 158 letters, a correspondence that is by and large viewed as the scholarly capstone to the progressive age and the most great correspondence between noticeable states in all of American history†(Ellis 223)? Throughout the previous 15 years of their lives they reached each other through letters and modified their companionship. On the 50th Anniversary of the marking of the Declaration of the Independence, both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams passed on inside hours of one another. They will never be overlooked for the inescapable and auspicious commitments to our young nation. In the presentation Ellis portrays the American Revolution impeccably with the announcement â€Å"No occasion in American history which was so unrealistic at the time has appeared as inescapable by and large as the American Revolution†. America’s triumph appeared past impossible seeing as how England had the best armed force of the Revolutionary period. The youthful homesteaders decided to search out partnerships with the French, Dutch, and Spanish because of their absence of fiscal assets, experience or even the unadulterated labor. English in advance, even took a stab at assaulting the settlers politically which had their in prompting an unavoidable insubordination. They started charges, and different occasions, for example, the Boston Massacre occurred that lighted the youthful pilgrims to take remain against Great Britain. In spite of the fact that confidence, motivation and success the Americans stunned the world, crushed the chances and took the triumph in 1783, making sure about their new free world. This triumph propelled nations worldwide to defy the oppressive domains that were controlling them. This triumph is apparent in today’s society as America flourishes as nation that impacts others and still seems to be, autonomous. Establishing Brothers genuinely uncovered a considerably more close to home perspective of our establishing fathers and their evident fate. Joseph Ellis targets basic components of their and what they thought was best for the youthful nation of America. They formed an option that could be greater than themselves during this progressive period. The creator truly enlivens the mind boggling point of interest of Washington’s heritage and the organization between two extraordinary pioneers Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Joseph Ellis’ proclamation was more than substantial; it legitimizes American in a couple of short words.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Dove Marketing Analysis Essay
Envision you have oversight of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. It is safe to say that you are alright with what is happening? Is this a brand that is crazy with its special messages? Pigeon discharged its first promoting on 1957, in which Dove called its item as â€Å"cleaning cream†rather than cleanser. From that point forward, Dove propelled some publicizing to underlined on its useful element. In 2000, Dove turned into a Masterbrand of Unilever. As such, it needed to set up an importance for Dove that could apply to and stretch out over the whole steady of items. So as to represent a perspective, â€Å"The Campaign for Real Beauty†started to process. At that point crusade center around the confidence and certainty rather than appearances, it despite everything could be incorporate into female field. Just from outside to inward, So Dove isn't crazy with its special message. As I would like to think, I am OK with Dove’s crusade because of the accompanying reasons. To start with, Dove increasingly worried about women’s feeling and internal soul. At the point when the promoting plays such a large number of shots on the magnificence of young ladies, in some cases, the qualities and stylish of the general public will be impact. Ladies and young person young ladies would pay more cash and time to accommodate their body. Subsequently, Dove’s promoting won't include this deceptive. Second, Dove pick YouTube and Blog as the significant stage, it is a shrewd and popular decision. Web plays increasingly more significant job in the cutting edge life, particularly the raise of the long range informal communication. Later on, Dove has more chances to draw out in the open and in front of different organizations. Third, Dove consistently ensures the nature of advertisements. Their publicizing is definitely not a basic item advancement, however some intriguing story and discussion. The results of Dove even don't should be shot. The buyers will recollect such top notch advertisement and are eager to impart to other people. Also, Dove’s Real Beauty crusade constructed a buzz and was generally uncovered. Individuals effectively examined the crusade through Internet and TV appears, even popular big names like Oprah Winfrey and Jay Leno discussed it in their TV appears. In spite of the fact that there were numerous farces in the Internet, they were entertaining and produced more considerations on the brand. To wrap things up, the battle was added to the brand’s business development and qualities. In 2006, Landor Associates distinguished Dove was one of the 10 brands with the best ercentage gain in brand wellbeing and business esteems. 2. Is Dove’s endeavor to induce social commitment through its special crusades too hazardous an undertaking given its absence of command over purchaser spoof and allegations of attempting to sell under the affectation of adding to the social great? In the busin ess, each choice confronted the benefit and hazard. For the most part, the more noteworthy the dangers bring about the more noteworthy prizes. The dangers are: Through the examination, Dove discovered that numerous ladies had discontent with the â€Å"young, white blonde and thin†models, since they couldn't accomplish that norm. Bird began the promotion â€Å"Campaign for Real Beauty†, underlining their items will â€Å"feel better†, while other organization consistently announce â€Å"look beautiful†in the business. The hazard is that whether the buyers comprehend and acknowledge that change. On next stage, Dove was an exceptionally disputable occasion. Boards were raised to decide on whether a lady on the announcement was â€Å"outsized†or â€Å"outstanding†. A counter indicated the outcome. As a delight brand, this battle will draw in open consideration; all the while will challenge the brand psychological. What’s more, Dove disrupted the conventional guideline in the organization and go ahead without paid media by any stretch of the imagination. YouTube become the most significant stage rather than TV. At the point when Dove settled on this choice, the hazard is that possibly they will lose some conventional and old style purchasers. Confronting the negative reactions, Dove didn't overlook them, however positive grasp them. The organization list both view in different medias and permit open to talk about these. They likewise sent intuitive bundles to news sources to help prod the discussion. At last, Unilever set up the worldwide Dove Self-Esteem Fund to raise the confidence of young ladies and young ladies. Such exercises give a help to the â€Å"Real Beauty†. Dove’s advertising channel technique was to produce expansive mindfulness for â€Å"The Campaign for Real Beauty†and set up an enthusiastic association with ladies. Consequently, a political figure or a significant news association or even a film isn't as impact as an open exchange. 3. In the wake of inspecting the websites, what do the different conversations add to the importance of the brand? There are for the most part two conclusions exists among the sites. The supporters considered Dove’s Real Beauty crusade was a passionate touch from Dove to shopper. They thought the crusade has revealed insight into some significant facts about the media’s ridiculous depictions of ladies, and it’s significant and important to send a wellbeing delight message to the general public. In any case, the reactions believed that Dove is fraudulent and the crusade is simply intended to sell more items and increase more benefits. The explanation they thought Dove is fraudulent is on the grounds that Dove originates from Unilever, which advancement youthful, meager and attractive lady in the Axe’s ads. They likewise censured Dove’s commercials had numerous untruthful subtleties and conflicting. What’s more, they thought the crusade has no major optimistic qualities appended to the item and was subverting the desire of buyers. Despite these various sentiments towards the Real Beauty crusade, Dove’s brand name has effectively turned into a web sensation and drew a great deal of considerations around the world. Individuals were spreading rapidly the message of â€Å"Real Beauty†they still constantly examine it these days. This sort of presentation has exceptional effect of Dove’s brand mindfulness and ubiquity. Along these lines, it added to the brand’s long haul worth and value. Despite the fact that there were numerous spoofs exits in the Internet, for common buyers, they may very well recollect how amusing and fascinating the farces were, just as the engaging â€Å"real beauty†messages that Dove attempted to spread. It was a hazard technique for Dove, yet insofar as Dove deals with its advertising and different promotions cautiously, shoppers would even now like Dove’s moderate great quality items. The expanding deals development of Dove could be a solid contention for it. Besides, I think Dove was attempting to be a motivational brand to rouse positive mental self portrait among ladies. It effectively separated itself to different contenders. The Dove Self-Esteem Fund program was an or more to prevail upon customers’ hearts. 4. Portray Dove’s brand the board association and the purpose behind it. Do you see any issues or issues that will result with this split-duty arrangement? In 2000, Dove was chosen to be a Masterbrand and loaned its name to Unilever sections in close to home consideration classifications. There are two part obligation bunches in Dove’s brand the board association: Brand Development and Brand Building. Brand Development bunch accused of advancement of the brand, assumed liability for building up the thought behind the brand, built up the brand plan. It was responsible for medium-to long haul piece of the overall industry, for brand wellbeing, for proportions of inventiveness, and for making an incentive in the classification. It was concentrated and worldwide in scope. The other gathering Brand Building accused of building the brand in explicit markets and was decentralized by the major geographic areas in which Unilever worked. It was responsible for development, benefit, income, and momentary piece of the pie. It oversaw advertising and casual correspondence. The aces of this split-mindfully arrangement brand the executives framework are that the promoting messages could be progressively custom fitted to various markets. Notwithstanding, the issue may result with this split-dependably framework is the conflicting administration of the brand picture. It’s a test for the two gatherings to adjust between momentary qualities and long haul esteems for the brand. For instance, the Brand Building gathering may build up a forceful advertising system to create consideration so as to increase momentary piece of the pie, which probably won't be a savvy move to assemble the brand’s long haul worth and addition long haul piece of the pie.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Topics Year 10 - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Topics Year 10 - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesn't My objective is to have them involved in the dispute and to select a side that argues its points the very best. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points you may counter to your own points. Each attempts to cope with their loss in various ways. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Don't neglect to bring a strong hook at the beginning (introduction paragraph) and wind up with an impressive conclusion to earn the reader want to go over the interesting persuasive essay topics of your selection. Some have no clue how they would begin their book report writing. All essays will have a particular topic that's either one you choose or one which is provided for you. In any case, direct and indirect quotes are essential to support your understanding of academic writing style. In reality, you can make up any topic you want all on your own, as long because there is unlimited amount of those. High school essay writing is a frequent classroom activity and is also part of several normal examinations. Regardless of the simple fact there are many high school essay topics one would choose, it may take them a lengthy time due to uncertainty. High school essays are structured very similarly no matter the topic and fantastic essay structure will allow you to compose a crystal clear essay that flows from 1 paragraph to the next. The sample high school admission essays we've got on our page can be useful to you or your buddies. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to discover ready-made essays and use them as an example. As a consequence, you prefer doing your essays by yourself. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Characteristics of to Kill a Mockingbird Essay Topics Year 10 Nothing about writing is simple, and not everyone is able to do it. You should find the correct resources for your essay and patience when finding the most suitable inspiration to write. If don't have any urge to waste time on choosing the best topic and writing the entire argumentative essay from scratch, don't forget you have a loyal group of professionals by your side. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. Asking for a distinctive and authentic one on a topic of your choice may be all you desire. As a result of the net for many solutions to the issues that you might be experiencing. You only have to earn a selection of the proper topic you would desire. Picking a topic is a critical issue that partly estimates final success of the job. School should happen in the evenings. Writing a high school essay if you've got the tips about how to do essay effectively. Sex education provided in school is perceived to be more powerful than when it's supplied by parents. School tests aren't effective. Everybody has a favourite sport. Your friend would really like to learn to play table tennis. It is impossible to produce an actual friend online. A minumum of one parent should work at home.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Quinnipiac University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA
Quinnipiac University is a private university with an acceptance rate of 72%. Located in Hamden, Connecticut, Quinnipiac is well-known in part due to the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. The university has many strengths in business, health, and media fields. Quinnipiac has a 16-to-1 student/faculty ratio and an average class size of 20. On the athletic front, the Quinnipiac Bobcats compete in the NCAA Division I Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference (MAAC) for most sports. The hockey teams compete in the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) Hockey. Considering applying to Quinnipiac University? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, Quinnipiac University had an acceptance rate of 72%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 72 students were admitted, making Quinnipiacs admissions process somewhat competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 22,757 Percent Admitted 72% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 12% SAT Scores and Requirements Quinnipiac requires that some applicants submit SAT or ACT scores. Applicants to the School of Health Sciences and School of Nursing are required to submit scores, as are home-schooled applicants and Division I athletes. Quinnipiac is test-optional for applicants to the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business, School of Communications, and School of Engineering. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 71% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 550 630 Math 540 630 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of Quinnipiacs admitted students fall within the top 35% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to Quinnipiac scored between 550 and 630, while 25% scored below 550 and 25% scored above 630. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 540 and 630, while 25% scored below 540 and 25% scored above 630. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1260 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Quinnipiac. Requirements Quinnipiac does not require the SAT writing section or SAT Subject tests. Note that Quinnipiac participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates. ACT Scores and Requirements Quinnipiac requires that some applicants submit SAT or ACT scores. Applicants to the School of Health Sciences and School of Nursing are required to submit scores, as are home-schooled applicants and Division I athletes. Quinnipiac is test-optional for applicants to the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business, School of Communications, and School of Engineering. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 25% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 22 29 Math 22 27 Composite 23 28 This admissions data tells us that most of Quinnipiacs admitted students fall within the top 31% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to Quinnipiac received a composite ACT score between 23 and 28, while 25% scored above 28 and 25% scored below 23. Requirements Note that Quinnipiac does not superscore ACT results; your highest composite ACT score will be considered. Quinnipiac does not require the ACT writing section. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA for Quinnipiacs incoming freshmen class was 3.4. This data suggests that most successful applicants to Quinnipiac have primarily B grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Quinnipiac University Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Quinnipiac University. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Quinnipiac University, which accepts fewer than three-quarters of applicants, has somewhat competitive admissions. However, Quinnipiac also has a holistic admissions process and admissions decisions are based on much more than numbers. A strong application essay and a glowing letter of recommendation can strengthen your application, as can participation in meaningful extracurricular activities and a rigorous course schedule. Quinnipiac also recommends that interested applicants schedule an interview. The university is looking for students who will contribute to the campus community in meaningful ways, not just students who show promise in the classroom. Students with particularly compelling stories or achievements can still receive serious consideration even if their grades and scores are outside of Quinnipiacs average range. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. You can see that most students who were accepted to Quinnipiac University had high school averages of B or higher, SAT scores (ERWM) above 1000, and ACT composite scores of 20 or higher. Scores a little above these lower ranges will improve your changes measurably. If You Like Quinnipiac University, You May Also Like These Schools Yale UniversityBoston UniversityNew York UniversityUniversity of Rhode IslandUniversity of Connecticut All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Quinnipiac University Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Oral Health And Dental Care - 1541 Words
Table 3. Full time dentist employed per 100,000 population in the public and private practice sectores, states and territories, 2013. NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Total Public 7.6 7.9 10.3 8.6 11.00 6.5 6.1 11.7 8.6 Private 50.8 44.6 48.0 45.4 47.6 31.2 59.9 27.0 47.4 Total 58.5 52.5 58.3 54.0 58.6 37.7 65.9 38.7 56.0 From: Oral health and dental care in Australia: keyfacts and figures 2015 (Chrisopoulos, Harford Ellershaw 2016, p. 67). 3.3 The impact of neglected oral disease Dental decay is the second most expensive diet-related disease in Australia, the cost of this disease is comparable to heart disease and diabetes. During 2007-08, the annual expenditure of dental care in Australia was $6.1 billion (Department of Health,†¦show more content†¦2008). Recent studies have considered that periodontal disease associated with several systemic conditions including adverse pregnancy outcome (Goepfert et al. 2004), cardiovascular disease (Bansal, Khatri Taneja 2013), respiratory disease (Scannapieco Ho 2001), renal malfunction (Ardalan et al. 2011), osteoporosis (Otomo-Corgel 2012), diabetes (Preshaw et al. 2012), cancer (Fitzpatrick Katz 2010), rheumatoid arthritis (Bartold, Marshall Haynes 2005), erectile dysfunction (Wu, Chung Lin 2012) and Alzheimer’s disease (Kamer et al 2008). On a health system level, difficulty in accessing oral health care and delays in receiving treatment often leads to ser ious infection, pain and poorer long-term health outcomes. As a result, some people may have to visit emergency departments and require hospital admission to manage infections or seek the assistance of general practitioners (GPs) for oral health complaints or infections (Australian Government 2015). 4. Australian School Dental Programs Australian School Dental Program was the first involvement of Commonwealth in the provision of dental benefits. The scheme is the result of agreement between representatives of the states, territories and the Commonwealth in 1973 (Commonwealth Department of Health 1981). The responsibility for funding, leadership and coordination is by Commonwealth, whereas, while the states, and territories were
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
U.S.-EU relations. The Europea... free essay sample
U.S.-EU relations. The European Union is the United States largest trade partner and home to the largest number of Americas allies. It was once predictable and stable, but over the last decade it has been weakened under the strain of economic stagnation and political volatility. There is growing resistance to regulation that emanates from Brussels; the U. K. has decided to exit the EU; and migration from the Middle East and Africa is placing additional strains on the already ailing economies and social structures. We believe that a stable, prosperous and integrated Europe is a strong American interest, and are concerned about growing fissures between the U.S. and the EU and the prospects of a trade war that can only hurt all sides.NATO. The same can be said about NATO. This alliance was formally signed in 1949, but its core principles, foremost among them collective defense against aggressor nations, were already embodied in the Atlantic Charter signed by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill in August 1941. NATO played a key role in the defeat of the Soviet Union in the Cold War, and afterwards helped maintain stability in Europe and counter the threat of terrorism in the Middle East and elsewhere. We therefore strongly believe in a robust NATO and in Americas adherence to its legal and moral obligations to defend its allies in Europe. We understand the administrations concerns regarding fair participation of all members in shouldering the alliances financial burden, but this consideration should not obscure the absolute necessity of NATO to the security of America and its allies. What message will the President deliver at the forthcoming NATO summit in Brussels to alleviate concerns that U.S. commitment to the alliance is weakening?Russias aggressive policies. The aggressive foreign policy pursued by Russian President Vladimir Putin presents a major challenge to the U.S. and its European allies. Putin has invaded Georgia, occupied Crimea, meddled in the internal affairs of the Near Abroad, actively assisted the Assad regime in its murderous campaign against the Syrian people, participated through proxies in the civil war in Ukraine and, most alarming for us as U.S. citizens, meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Russia has also announced its intention to deploy nuclear-capable missiles in Kaliningrad, its administrative enclave between Poland and Lithuania, and even seems to entertain the possibility of deploying nuclear weapons in Crimea, which it took from Ukraine by force. The U.S. and its NATO allies have largely been unified in supporting sanctions on Russia for its actions in Ukraine. The U.S. has sent tanks, armored vehicles and other military hardware to temporary storage sites in Bulgaria, Romania and the Baltic States. It has also contributed special operations forces and weaponry to a new NATO rapid response force. While maintaining dialog with Mr. Putin, it is important that the U.S. convey to him its commitment to its allies in Europe and its firm resolve to counter his aggressive policies.Chinas regional ambitions. The withdrawal of the U.S. from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement could make it easier for China to advance its strategic interests in that region. Chinas campaign of land reclamation in the South China Sea could be the most sophisticated incremental effort today to change a regional order. This Chinese policy is conducted under two ambiguities. First, China has not clarified whether it regards its territorial claims in the South China Sea as a core interest on par with Taiwan and Tibet. Second, Beijing has not explained whether its self-declared sovereignty over the South China Sea applies only to select locations in the Sea or to the entire 90 percent of the Sea that its nine-dash line encompasses. China has so far reclaimed more than 3,000 acres in the South China Sea. Many of Chinas neighbors protest its actions, but they find it increasingly difficult to resist Chinas military and economic preponderance. What is the U.S. administrations strategic alternative to the TPP? What steps is it taking to assert freedom-of-navigation in the South China Sea and to protect its regional allies from Chinese ambitions?North Korea. North Koreas nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, and its aggressive posture toward its neighbors, threaten regional and international peace and security. We support the administrations efforts to find a peaceful, diplomatic solution to the North Korean crisis, and hope that the meeting last month between President Trump and the North Korean leader, and Secretary Pompeos trip to Pyongyang later this week, will usher in such a solution. At the same time, we are keenly aware that North Korea has repeatedly violated agreements it signed with previous U.S. administrations. We therefore believe that any agreement with the North Korean regime must include safeguards that prevent the regime from breaching its obligations. The nuclear deal with Iran (JCPOA) was heavily criticized because it did not eliminate Irans nuclear weapons capability while affording it financial benefits that made it an even more troublesome player regionally and globally. We have shared this criticism and will apply the same standards to any future agreement with North Korea. We have long monitored the North Korean regimes severe human rights violations against its own people. In our opinion, this issue should be part of any future negotiations with North Korea.Syria and Iraq. In the Eastern Mediterranean, two conflicts – the war in Syria and the campaign against ISIS – are coming to an end. In Syria, it is now clear that President Bashar al-Assad, thanks to Russian and Iranian support, will survive and control most but not all of Syria. The buffer that separated the Iran-Syria-led efforts from the U.S.-led campaign against ISIS has disappeared. Consequently, the U.S. and local allies throughout Syria and Iraq are now in close proximity to Iranian surrogates. With ISIS defeated, will the U.S. withdraw from Syria and Iraq or will it use its footholds to resist Irans efforts to convert Syria and Iraq into client states?
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Debate Against PAS essays
Debate Against PAS essays According to CARE (Cooperative for Americans Remittances to Europe), PAS is morally, legally and medically unacceptable. Morally, as a society we have a moral obligation and social responsibility to care for those who are elderly, dying or disabled. The legalization of PAS would result in pressure, and/or perceived for the vulnerable to request PAS. Legally, the legalization of PAS would fundamentally change the basis on which the criminal law is founded namely for intentional killing. The prohibition of intentional killing protects us all, and any chance, as the Dutch have found, would be impossible to Police, not least because the key witness is dead. Medically, the role of doctors has been to cure and care but never to kill their patients. The legalization f PAS would fundamentally change the role of the doctor and the relationship of trust between the doctor and patient. According to the Church against Assisted Suicide, PAS is against The Sanctity of Life. As Christians, our faith shapes our attitude towards sickness and death in three important ways. First, we believe that human life is a gift from God to be cherished and respected. In heeding Gods command, Thou shall not kill, we recognize that we cannot dispose of life as we please. Second, we believe that the Son of God became man to reconcile us with the Father and to be our model of holiness (Matthew 11:29). By living among us, Jesus created a new communion or solidarity among us (1 Corinthians 12:26-27), making everyone a neighbor worthy of our charity and care (Luke 10:25-36). Third, we believe that we are redeemed by Christ and called to share eternal life with him. Christians live in a world knowing that although the advantages that science and technology provide enrich out lives immensely in so many different ways, they will never exempt us from our own personal encounter with the myster y of death. According to Leon R. Kass, a ethicist, phys...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Marketing individual assinment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marketing individual assinment - Essay Example From a scan of various internet and other sources, the worldwide toothpaste industry is comprised by thousands of formulations and hundreds of brands. According to Oligopoly Watch, in the year 2000, the toothpaste industry in the U.S. alone was worth USD 1.3 billion with two leading brands owning sixty percent of the market. As in most industries, the toothpaste industry necessarily conducts market segmentation activities in order to provide focus for production, sales and marketing programs that will target specific market segments. Market segmentation helps ensure high returns for production, marketing and sales expenditures. The process of market segmentation identifies parts or portions of the market that can be differentiated from one another. Within a segment, members are supposed to have the same characteristics, which are different from the characteristics of members in other segments. With the identification of these characteristics, marketers are able to better satisfy the needs of prospective customers. Since different customers may have different needs, it is not always possible to satisfy all customers by treating them in the same way (NetMBA 2007). As part of the bigger oral care business, the toothpaste industry segments the market both in terms of mass marketing and target marketing. Simplified formulations are marketed as regular, as against special, toothpaste to serve the mass market, treating the market as a homogenous group which appreciates anyway, a teeth cleaning paste. This is the reason why almost all brands have a 'regular' formulation. Through mass marketing, economies of scale are realized because products which appeal to a mass market results in savings from mass production, mass distribution and mass communication (NetMBA 2007). Toothpaste manufacturers also employ target marketing, which is the reason for the wide variety of formulations for the products they carry. They recognize the diversity of customers and do not need to please everybody with the same offering. Consumer markets are segmented according to geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics of consumers. Some geographic variables are region, continent, country, state, neighborhood, size of metropolitan area, population density, climate and other variables (NetMBA 2007). Toothpaste manufacturers with international operations use geographic segmentation in developing formulations with local appeal as well as marketing and sales programs that will be appreciated by the target segment. In 2000, although Colgate was the market leader in India, it faced stiff competition from Hindustan Unilever and low-priced regional competitors like Anchor Healthcare and Ajanta India. To combat their low-priced competitors, Colgate revita lized its Colgate-Cibaca brand and Hindustan Unilever, its Aim brand. Colgate-Cibaca, which is not a brand that is marketed internationally, effectively garnered the top position in the low-price segment in India (Comstrat 2006). Demographic segmentation variables include age, gender, family size, family lifecycle, generation, income, occupation, education, ethnicity, nationality, religion, social class (NetMBA 2007). In terms of
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Project Keep Placement Stabilization Research Paper
Project Keep Placement Stabilization - Research Paper Example Due to the nature of this intervention, the statistical collection of data and facts associated with child abuse and neglect becomes difficult. To determine how much it would cost to resolve it through the various stages of the model that could be required. The well-being of the child is important. Although when parents usually the women take in alcohol and seems not to be abusive and not dependent or addicted to drinking. It is still possible the conditions under which she drinks may still put the child welfare at risk. A child welfare worker should be concerned about the nature of parent exposure to alcohol and drug use. As noted by The American Psychological Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV/DSM-IV-TR) that a woman should not take in more than seven drinks within a week or three drinks at a time. Child safety is an important issue in our society and factors that may bring about polluting or exposing the child welfare at risk are not lightly taken. Children are meant to be around adult so as to caution and comfort them in their growing years. Children are good observers and adult should be more caution what they do in their presence. This is part of protecting child welfare. But more often than not, parents or adults under the influence of alcohol and drug might not be able to control their misbehavior triggered from substance use and this usually has a lifespan effect on children. Significantly, the child welfare worker should be more concerned with the case of child neglect and abuse by identifying the factors of drug abuse and alcohol exposure. Child welfare worker should be able to support parent influenced by these factors to obtain adequate treatment in the understanding of the recovery concept in the view of child safety.Â
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Early Childhood Education Programs Essay Example for Free
Early Childhood Education Programs Essay Early childhood education or preschool education is education for children in the early stages of their childhood before they join school. Several researches that have been conducted by neuroscientists, pediatricians and other stakeholders shows that the biggest portion of the brain architecture takes place in the early childhood years. Research studies have also found out that intellectual and emotional development is critical during the first three years of life. Maria Montessori was one of many educationists who believe that the foundation of human development is laid during the childs early years. She declared that: The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six, (Pandor, 2008 para. 3). Many other educationists assert that the quality of education is determined in the first years of a child in school. Early Childhood Education Programs Preschool education or early childhood education is a quality education and it is beneficial to children from all economic and social groups. Development of quality early childhood programs should be emphasized as it can be viewed as a social and economic strategy. Investing in these programs is therefore not only important to the child but also to the development of the state and the country at large. A research conducted by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) in five states of the United States found out that â€Å"quality public preschool programs produce broad gains in childrens learning and development,†(NIEER, 2005 para. 4). According to the same study, state funded programs were found to have significant gains regardless of the child’s ethnic or economic and social background. The effects of the preschool programs were estimated by testing the literacy skills, vocabulary and academic skills of the kindergarteners. A total of 5,071 children in 1, 320 classrooms were tested in either English or Spanish depending on the child’s strongest language. The impacts on mathematics, literacy and language were statistically significant compared to the children without the program. Vocabulary scores were 31 percent higher than gains of children without the program. On mathematical skills which included basic skills such as counting money, simple additions and subtractions, number concepts and telling time, the gains increased to 44 percent. In print awareness the gains were 85 percent greater for children enrolled in state sponsored preschool programs compared to the growth of children who are not enrolled (NIEER, 2005). According to the NIEER study, participants at the age of 20 years were more likely to have cleared high school if they enrolled for the preschool programs. They were less likely to have required remedial education and also less likely to have committed juvenile crimes which warrant arrests. With the unnecessary costs of remedial classes and expenditure for justice systems and in addition to the increased revenues, it was estimated that there was a return of $7 for every dollar that was invested. At 27 years of age, participants had gained a higher level of education and their earnings were higher than those who did not enroll for the early childhood school programs. The number of those who received the social services was significantly low and the numbers of arrests were fewer. These studies were carried out on children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The befits gained can be intertwined in the sense that once this child gains a higher level of education most likely the earnings will be high, consequently economic prospects will be high, improvement on financial decisions, improved health and housing (NIEER, 2008). An opportunity to live in a classroom community, interact and get along with people from various socioeconomic backgrounds can be considered as a social benefit for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Learning how to get along with others will result to improved social skills and emotional competence. These programs set a stage and give a child preparedness to enroll for the formal education. Apart from improving on their communication skills and getting higher scores in school tests, they have lesser behavioral issues once they enroll in the formal learning process. When a child goes through the pre kindergarten learning they succeed in school and become good citizens, earn more, commit less crimes and pay more taxes. â€Å"Every dollar invested in quality early care and education saves taxpayers up to $13. 00 in future costs,†(http://web. mit. edu/workplacecenter/docs/Full%20Report. pdf. n. d pp. 2). The success of the early child leaning relies heavily on the quality of the preschool programs. In an effort to improve the schools and the learning process, most states in United States have established public preschool programs to cater for less privileged and disadvantaged. Most of these programs are established on the principle that early intervention will help the child unleash his full potential. For example the mission for Head Start is â€Å"to ensure that no child in America is trapped in poverty’s grasp,†(United Way of America, 2005 pp. 1). These programs have been criticized and their effectiveness has been questionable. From the findings of NIEER (2005) studies, â€Å"vocabulary gains were three or four times greater than those in the Head Start study,†(para. 9). In spite of this big difference in performance, such aspects such as the class size and the length of day remained the same. This difference was attributed to high educational qualifications and good remuneration for teachers in state funded pre-kindergarten programs compared to Head Start. Almost all state funded programs studied in the five states required teachers to be licensed, have a certification in early childhood education and be a holder of a BA degree. In the case of Head Start the requirements half of the teachers were required to have a two-year Associate’s degree while the rest to have a Child Development Associate (requires only 120 hours of training to acquire CDA credential) or an equivalent (LIFESTYLENIEER, n. d). Abbot, another preschool program in New Jersey was established to serve the highest poverty districts within the state. Substantial resources have been invested in the school and NIEER annual report rated it as one those with highest quality standards nationwide. According to the Abbot preschool program longitudinal effects study by Frede et al (2007), â€Å"the results presented provides clear evidence that by participating in a high-quality program regardless of auspice, children are improving in literacy and math at least until the end of the kindergarten year,†(pp. 35). It therefore remains clear that high standard and accountability are key factors to the success of these programs. Recruitments of qualified and well educated teachers as has been observed in performing preschool programs are instrumental in guaranteeing good quality. These teachers must be adequately compensated to boost their morale and hence increasing productivity. The classes should be manageable. This can only be achieved by having a reasonable child to teacher ratio. Finally there should be strong supervision to ensure that standard and quality of learning is uncompromised. Conclusion All children are entitled to quality education. From the studies conducted a disadvantaged child is likely to gain more from preschool program. If these programs are expanded more disadvantaged children will enroll and they will develop positive peer effects when they enroll for the formal school learning. â€Å"Failing to invest sufficiently in quality early care and education shortchanges taxpayers because the return on investment is greater than many other economic development options,†(http://web. mit. edu/workplacecenter/docs/Full%20Report. pdf. n. d pp. 2). There should be universal large-scale and state wide programs to benefit the minority and the poor. Reference: Early Childhood Education for All, a Wise Investment, retrieved on 20th July 2008 from http://web. mit. edu/workplacecenter/docs/Full%20Report. pdf. Frede E, Jung K, Barnett W. S, Lamy, C. E Figueras, A. (2007): The Abbott Preschool Program Longitudinal Effects Study (Apples). Retrieved on 20th July 2008 from: http://nieer. org/resources/research/APPLES. pdf LIFESTYLENIEER (n. d): Economic Benefits Of Quality Preschool Education for Americas 3- And 4-Year Olds. Retrieved on 20th July 2008 from: http://nieer. org/resources/facts/index. php? FastFactID=6 Martina, A (2008): Column: Early Connections Are Key For Infants To Thrive. Retrieved on 20th July 2008 From: http://detnews. com/apps/pbcs. dll/article? AID=/20080715/OPINION03/807150398/100 National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) (2005):New Study Shows High Quality State Pre-K Programs Improve Language and Math Abilities of Children of All Backgrounds: State Programs with Higher Teacher Qualifications Outperform Head Start , retrieved on 20th July 2008 from http://nieer. org/mediacenter/index. php? PressID=46 Pandor N (2008): A call to focus on firm foundations for learning, Journal of Education, Vol. 8. Issue No. 11, pp 21-27, Retrieved on 20th July 2008 from http://www. anc. org. za/ancdocs/anctoday/2008/text/at11. txt United Way of America (2005): Early Childhood Education, retrieved on 20th July 2008 from http://www. liveunited. org/_cs
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Child Abuse and the Importance of Belonging Discussed in David Pelzers
A Child Called "It" explores the traumatic story of child abuse and how the choices made by one person affects another’s sense of belonging. The story is only from one point of view as it’s a biography, written by the man who experienced trauma at such a tender age. David Pelzer, as a child, dealt with rejection daily and not only from his mother but classmates, teachers and ultimately his biggest enemy, himself. A Child Called "It", as the title denotes depreciation and an impersonal relationship between the audience and the text, begins the biography with a dark and solemn theme as there is no definition for ‘it’ therefore titling a book ‘a child called it’ gives the audience the idea that the child doesn’t exist, or as it tells further in the story, a child who is treated like he doesn’t exist. The author contrasts his mother in different contexts from when his ‘mom’ was a good, caring mum to when his ‘mother’ changed into the abusive stage. Mom and Mother are used throughout the text to show the audience the different emotions he had carried for her. Mom is more personal and informal but suggests a close relationship between the two as it is used in the chapters that he is reminiscing about when his mom was a normal, caring mom. Mother is used in the chapters he was abused in and suggests a more distant relationship due to the formal language structure. When ‘Mom’ was used, the emotions carried out towards her by David Pelzer were none other than belonging to her. When a child is told something so often they start to believe it. In this case, David Pelzer was ordered to say over and over again â€Å"I’m a bad boy, I’m a bad boy...†which psychologically brainwashed him to believe that he was. That every time he was physicall... ...ejected, surrounding him as he says ‘I had readymade excuses mother made for me’. The ending doesn’t end on a ‘happily ever after’ note but rather a dull and gloomy tone as it is set throughout the text. Sarcasm, contrast and similes are the main language features presented in the book to evoke disgust, torment and shock throughout the audience showing them either how she saw the abusive behaviours inflicted upon him or the brainwashed ‘excuses’ he learnt from his mother. Not belonging is the struggle in this text that didn’t get resolved by the ending making it a dark, gloomy tone and the language features used also evokes a dark feeling within the reader. A Child Called "It" truly explores the meaning of struggling with belonging due to other peoples actions rather than their own and provides appropriate use of imagery to emphasise the meaning of the biography.
Monday, January 13, 2020
How Important Is Postgraduate Education Education Essay
First, Jie Liu believes that it is critical for every graduate student selling instruction supplier to understand the three features of a graduate student selling pupil which are motivations, outlooks and readiness. Liu divided the factors that may possibly actuate pupils to take postgraduate selling instruction into intrinsic, extrinsic and calling related. In a research executed by Liu where questionnaires were distributed to marketing pupils of four different British universities, the consequence depicted that what motivated pupils for marketing graduate student surveies were intrinsic and calling related factors. This means that pupils chose the postgraduate selling plan at their ain will so that it could assist them construct a calling and supply them with greater chances. This is the ground why there are legion international pupils in the United Kingdom as several pupils from developing states such as India and China believe that analyzing abroad can assist them achieve suited occupations. â€Å" It is promoting to happen that far more of the Chinese pupils, who have invested so much in footings of household fundss and attempt to travel to the UK to analyze, were optimistic instead than pessimistic about their calling chances †( Counsell 2011:71 ) . In respects to outlooks, Liu states that all pupils expected that they would be provided with theoretical every bit good as practical cognition on the topic. Graduate student pupils have high outlooks that the programme will learn them a batch which will be of significance in their hereafter. Furthermore, Liu identifies the feature of readiness to be indispensable. Postgraduate pupils need to be prepared, holding an apprehension of the class and a series of accomplishments to assist them get by with their graduate student instruction. Liu so distinguished place and international pupils in respects to preparedness after transporting out a farther analysis. The consequences showed that international pupi ls were less prepared than place pupils. There are assorted grounds as to why an international pupil could be less prepared such as different larning techniques, trouble in understanding the linguistic communication, civilization daze and non being able to accommodate to the British environment. Therefore, Liu seeks to supply cognition about graduate student selling instruction in the United Kingdom by mensurating the motivations, outlooks and readiness of graduate student selling pupils. Second, the article written by Liu has its ain strengths and failings. The extreme advantage of the article is that it focuses on a peculiar field which is postgraduate selling instruction. This could help other selling research workers and leaders with their survey as there are limited researches stressing on graduate student selling programme. In add-on, Liu succeeds in making an understanding about motivations, outlooks and readiness of graduate student selling pupils which would back up graduate student selling suppliers to plan their programme consequently. With these assets, the article does keep out defects every bit good. The research prepared by Liu where questionnaires were given out to marketing pupils of four British universities did lend accurate replies but there were restrictions. As stated in the article, the research was made utilizing the questionnaires returned by 90 five pupils which is comparatively a little figure for a research made for graduate student selling instruction and the four British universities surveyed were all set in a peculiar geographical country in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Liu references that a individual quantitative method is used in informations aggregation and that there is no qualitative attack practised in the research. Even so, Liu points out differences between place and international pupils which could be imprecise as with such a little study it is non plausible to carry through a clear and broad image. â€Å" Provision of higher instruction for international pupils has become an of import beginning of income for Western universities and these pupils have attracted research attending †( Huang 2008:1003 ) . Therefore, even with an copiousness of facts, the article seems uncomplete and lacks preciseness. Third, Liu decidedly recognises the turning importance of graduate student selling instruction and wants postgraduate selling pupils every bit good as the graduate student selling suppliers in the United Kingdom to profit from the programme. Since international pupils constitute bulk of the programme, Liu believes that these international pupils should have maximal advantage. Marketing instruction suppliers should be able to assist, back up, and understand international pupils so as to better the experience for pupils which would back up United Kingdom to keep onto its prima place in the instruction market globally. â€Å" At a clip when higher instruction establishments are developing schemes to spread out the Numberss of graduate student pupils, placing the academic and societal demands of full-time graduate student pupils is of paramount importance †( Humphrey and McCarthy, 1999:371 ) . To reason, Liu mentions that international pupils come all the manner to the United Kingdom, paying a monolithic sum of fee, therefore, there money should be valued and they should be provided with a theoretical and practical cognition experience. This would present an advantage to the pupils and the instruction suppliers in the United Kingdom.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Benefits Of Experiential Learning - 1507 Words
i. Using relevant literature discuss the benefits of experiential learning When I first started this module, I believed that my CV was satisfactory and that my interview ability was of a very high standard, however from my lessons I understood ii. Reflection on ACCA workshop My first impressions on the ACCA work shop, were that they were there to, try to recruit students into the ACCA program over organisations such as the ICAEW, however true this maybe, the ACCA workshop was actually a very helpful experience. The learning outcomes from the work shop to maximise our strengths aiding us on our route to long term success. With this in mind we were shown about a tool called Johari’s window, this tool is supposed to improve self-awareness in regards to our strengths and weaknesses. We were told to separate into pairs as our strengths and weaknesses may not always be apparent to us. I thought this to be a great idea however for myself, nobody in the room knew me well enough, so I decided to take this concept home to ask people who knew me well to get a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. Before I thought I was very self-aware of my strengths and weaknesses. However there was a lot I learned about myself from my inquisition. My strengths, I am genuinely quite aware of, however I didn t realise how apparent it was to my friends how forward thinking I was, mainly strategically and how personable I am, with being open, relatable and understandingShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Experiential Learning For College Graduates1387 Words  | 6 PagesHelyer and Lee suggest higher education institutes are forming new ideas to â€Å"assist unemployed graduates with the benefits of experiential learning†(349). 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