Saturday, December 28, 2019
Robert Louis Stevensons Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay
How does Robert Louis Stevenson create a notion of good and evil in the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was published in 1886 and was written after a dream Robert Louis Stevenson had. The story is mainly a horror but has an element of mystery throughout it. It is a powerful story with a hidden philosophical outlook on life and society. The story has one main theme running through it and other smaller ones that can only be found by reading between the lines. The main theme is that of a duality in humans, that we all have hidden extremes in us, extreme evil and extreme good. Robert Louis Stevenson focuses on the Extreme evil in this story. The story is set in Victorian†¦show more content†¦The story is also about contrast between good and evil, and Stevenson brings this into the story by his narrative. His narrative creates this notion of good and evil by telling the story from both perspectives, good and evil. The good being Mr. Utterson and Dr. Jekyll and the evil Mr. Hyde. By doing this the story also sounds more plausible, in that the story isn’t one sided, for if it had being one sided it would more an opinion than a story. With the story told from good and evil people’s views we find it easier to believe and it sounds less biased. The narrative in the opening chapter, Story of the Door, is told by a Mr Utterson, we are given a description of Mr. Utterson, ‘Mr. Utterson was a man of rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile’, he is also ‘lean, long dusty, dreary and yet somehow loveable.’ We are also given a piece of information that is quite significant to the story, we are told that Mr. Utterson does not judge other people, instead, ‘I would let my bother go to the devil in his own ways,’ this is not to say he does not care, but that he will not judge others instead let them go about things in their own way and how they wantShow MoreRelated Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde2544 Words  | 11 Pagesâ€Å"The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde†is a gothic horror novella written by Robert Louis Stevenson in the Victorian era. The novella follows a well-respected doctor - Henry Jekyll - and his struggle between good and evil when he takes a potion and becomes Mr Hyde. Robert Louis Stevenson - the author of the novella â€Å"The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde†- was born in Edinburgh in 1850 and died at the young age of forty-four. He wrote the book in 1886. As a child he was very closeRead MoreRobert Louis Stevensons Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde2662 Words  | 11 PagesRobert Louis Stevenson, the author of this novella has written it very cleverly, with certain techniques used that have a greater impact on the reader and ones that make it more than just any thriller/shocker. Every novella has a purpose to it and so does this story, the purpose of this novella has been made to narrative the reader and it is quite clearly reflecting the genre of the thriller/shocker. As well as this the novella has been made as a shilling shocker which depends on sensationalism andRead MoreThe Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1052 Words  | 5 Pagescriticized in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Apart from being an exceptional Gothic work, Stevenson’s novella is an excellent critique of the hypocrisy that dominated the Victorian era. In his novella, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson uses the ch aracters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to expose the double standards and moral pretensions that governed Victorian society. Dr. Jekyll, the protagonist in Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and MrRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Where Dr. Jekyll 1163 Words  | 5 PagesBrodie and Dr. Knox were both from Edinburgh and both lived â€Å"double-lives†, this undoubtedly had a major impact upon Stevenson’s imagination and later his writings. (Stefan 5) â€Å"While growing up Stevenson had a friend and the son of Sir James Simpson, the developer of medical anesthesia, the two friends would â€Å"experiment†with chloroform, for the enjoyment of it.†(Stefan 5) This experimenting carries a familiarity with it that would later be found in the character of Dr. Jekyll in Stevenson’s novel,Read MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1675 Words  | 7 PagesThe Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella, â€Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,†is a type of Gothic literature. In the beginning of the story when Stevenson is describing the lawyer, one â€Å"Mr. Utterson,†the mood is a bit dull. At first glance the reader may think that this story would be a bit boring and drab. Stevenson’s story is far from being another dull piece of British English literature. The setting and mood of this novella are more complexRead MoreGrendel Essay761 Words  | 4 PagesDuality of Good and Evil Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous Scottish writer, once said, â€Å"All human beings are commingled out of good and evil.†Not one person is completely good or evil; everyone possesses both characteristics. In the literary pieces of John Gardner’s, â€Å"Grendel,†unknown author of, â€Å"Beowulf,†and Robert Louis Stevenson’s, â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,†the characters are portrayed as having both qualities of good and evil, proving there to be a duality of decency/immorality, righteousness/depravityRead MoreRobert Louis Stevenson Influences1344 Words  | 6 PagesExternal Influences on Stevenson’s Writings â€Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†by Robert Louis Stevenson was a familiar title to me and prior to reading it I believed I was well versed about the story. I knew that Dr. Jekyll was an intelligent man who experimented with the idea of creating a more powerful version of him that would release his deepest inhibitions. In addition, I believed that the people of the town were not fully aware of Mr. Hyde, only that there was a monsterRead MoreThe Duality of Man in Literary Works and Critical Essays1580 Words  | 7 Pagesand laymen have been fascinated with the study since then. Robert Louis Stevenson is one of the more notable authors to write about dual personalities with his short story, â€Å"Markheim,†and the novella, †The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.†The latter of these two stories has inspired the study of multiple personalities more than any other work of fiction, and perhaps any work of nonfiction. According to Anne Stiles, â€Å"[Stevenson’s wife] traces her spouses’ interest in dual personality to aRead MoreDr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1019 Words  | 5 PagesDr. Jekyll and Mary Reilly Robert Louis Stevenson established himself as one of the masters of adventure novels in English literature. His skills as a suspenseful storyteller can be seen in his 1886 novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson tells the story of the Dr. Jekyll and his murderous alter ego Mr. Hyde, through the eyes of Dr. Jekyll’s lawyer Mr. Utterson. Valerie Martin’s Mary Reilly tells the story of Jekyll and Hyde, but through a very different set of eyes. Martin’sRead More Analysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson2888 Words  | 12 PagesAnalysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson In an attempt to consider the duality tale, one narrative inevitably finds its way to the top of the heap as the supreme archetype: Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Immense disagreement permeates the pages of literary criticism relevant to the meaning of the story. Yet, for all of the wrangling focused on the psychology, morality, spirituality, and sociality of the story, it
Friday, December 20, 2019
Analysis Of The Movie The Film Essay - 1867 Words
13th was a very interesting and thought-provoking movie that really opened my eyes to the reality of the history of black people in this nation, the justice system, and how politicians and people in power have systematically oppressed black people and people of color for hundreds of years. The movie, along with ISS 210 really allowed me really understand the circumstances that have led to the United States having 5% of the worlds populations, yet housing 25% of the worlds prisoners, of which a disproportional number are people of color. We live in a country where the laws and customs of systematically oppressing black people are so deep-rooted and engrained in our history to a point where reform is an extremely difficult task. But it is important to remember that our current situation is the result of the choices that our ancestor’s made, or in some cases, the choices that were made for them. After almost 200 years of slavery in America dating back to the colonial times, the passing of the 13th amendment made it illegal to own slaves. There was one key detail in the amendment that many people don’t think about, and it is that the protection against slavery doesn’t apply to criminals. The Amendment reads, â€Å"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.†The powerful white people of America took full advantage ofShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Movie Of A Film 2032 Words  | 9 Pagesthe auteur category of films, we went from films having a clear plot, ending, and meaning, to films having endings, plots, and meanings the audience had to actually sit and think about to find to find out what exactly the director was trying to portray. This is caused by directors that are considered auteu rs. These directors wanted their viewers to be able to come up with their own meaning instead of just giving it to them. They want the audience to think as they watch the movie, instead of sittingRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film And Film1109 Words  | 5 PagesEver since I could remember, I have been interesting in films and film memorabilia. It didn’t even have to be like legit props that were used on set of the films either, tie in products tickled my itch also. I vividly remember in 2007, having my mom drive me an hour away just so that I could get my hands on a box of Krusty-O’s that were a 7-11 exclusive cereal to promote The Simpsons Movie. I still have the box sitting on my shelf of important trinkets in my room, next to my Burger King exclusiveRead MoreFilm Analysis : Movie, Film, And Films1706 Words  | 7 PagesBackground As a medium, films act as a very effective medium to share the stories and affecting people’s life. Since ancient times, the stage has been utilized to tell stories. When the motion picture was invented in the 19th century, it instantaneously captivates the world. Films have the power to hypnotize, bringing its viewer to certain realms. With its power to subdue its subject, film becomes a vocal tool to get inside people’s mind. Just like literature, film also creates and promotes culturesRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film Analysis Of The Movie The Help796 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Help†Analysis Paper During the 1960’s , americans underwent an era of critical issues in the United States. Throughout this time, the United States was in a stage of racial issues where racism was still openly accepted of society. The struggle by African-Americans to achieve rights equal to those that white people received was also known as the Civil Rights Movement. That included having an opportunity in employment, voting rights, having access to public facilities, education andRead MoreFilm Analysis : Movie Of A Film 1233 Words  | 5 PagesFor anyone who has ever watched a film is a critic in some form. They judge various aspects based on personal feelings or attitudes, then state them for anybody to hear. I, the writer, am guilty of this type of film analysis. I based my ‘review’ of a film solely on how I felt the narrative evolved or how well the acting was done. I never considered why the rhetor of film choose certain details or what might have influenced the rhe tor in the first place. However, through this course I was exposedRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film And Film870 Words  | 4 Pagesthe storylines of films and helps categorise them in order to be identified when people come to look for a film to maybe help determine whether you are going to like the film or not. Genre can set scenes in order for us to know what type of film we may be watching e.g.: if you were to be watching a horror film you would have spooky, dull and dark lighting. This would set the scene letting us know that this film will most likely be a horror film. Knowing the type of genre of the film you are watchingRead MoreMovie Analysis : The Movie The Film 2659 Words  | 11 Pagesa decade old. All the youngsters in these educational doldrums had fluffy feathered mullets and strong cockney accents, film locations were churlish high-rise council blocks that surmounted concrete doom in its infrastructure. And a cast of dreadful actors so utterly depressing to look a t you had to wonder where their future in acting ended up. We had to view these insipid films on a geriatric Sony trinitron, snuggled in a cardigan of wood, volume exceedingly loud you could hear a margin of whiteRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Film 1099 Words  | 5 Pagesother videos because it discussed different qualities the city has. I believe that Third Ward is a city where many of its residents are over looked by people in the city next to it, Houston. This video was produced by Andrew Garrison in 2007. In the film the director does an amazing job of highlighting the main problems of Third Ward TX. He also does a good job of highlighting the good things about it. They show the poor part of Texas where they have taken the old houses and renovated them. They madeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Film 1715 Words  | 7 PagesMichael Hughes Romero (the movie) is a biopic movie released in 1989 American biopic which depicts the life and death of the Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, who led peaceful protests against a violent military regime and made sure the people knew the truth, even though this ended up costing him his life. He is portrayed in the movie by Raul Julia. Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdà ¡mez was born in 1917 and died March 24 1980. Romero was a high ranking member of the Catholic Church, who served asRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film 1250 Words  | 5 PagesThe film I chose to analyze is Need for Speed. This film portrays two different characters who play on opposite sides of morality. One, Dino, is a character who is selfish, lack morals, and is an a-typical jerk. He does not accept consequences, and puts his own needs and wants above anyone else, no matter the ramifications. The other is the character of Toby who is a direct contrast. While Toby may be spurred by justice throughout the film, he is consistently focused his morals, who constantly is
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Communication Analysis of Interview
Question: Discuss about theCommunication Analysis of Interview. Answer: Introduction This particular piece of paper has tried to focus on a detailed communication analysis of an interview conducted among two persons. Both of them were discussing on a vital topic that does fast food advertising somehow contribute to the childhood obesity or not. It can be stated that conversation among two people regarding a topic can explore several aspects of a topic and through proper communication analysis these aspects can be find out (Harris Graff, 2012). It is regardless to say that the early days corpulence is one of the grave physical condition concerns that has over the time increased morbidity, mortality and has substantial long-term social as well as economic costs. Therefore, discussion is necessary to conduct among two candidates regarding this topic and based on the conversation, analysis would be made. Main Discussion 1stPerson: Throughout the sphere, communities and governments are struggling with the communal and economic physical condition expenses of over-weight and overweight populations. I believe that sedentary lifestyles, long screen time along with not enough exercise are some of the major reasons and of course food (Graff, Kunkel Mermin, 2012). 2ndPerson: I do agree with you and I have found that portion dimensions have augmented radically. Presently, populace cooks less at homes and consume out more. Apart from that, junk foodstuffs and drinks are cheaper and more willingly obtainable in the public areas and schools than healthy snack foods (Chandon Wansink, 2012). 1stPerson: In my surroundings, I have seen that most of the children are becoming overweight at the early period of their life. Apart from that, it can be stated that fatness has been connected with the augmented number of children as well as teenagers diagnosed with the type-2 diabetes (Cairns, Angus, Hastings Caraher, 2013). I have seen that overweight children are as well more probable to become overweight adults and this is no doubt a severe doubt to the society. 2ndPerson: From many research works, I have learnt that early days corpulence has been branded as one of the most severe community health concerns of the 21st century. Therefore, I must say that the strategy that supports healthy eating habits is strongly desirable. However, the mounting accessibility of foods are high enough in fat, salt and sugar (i.e. it is called junk foods) throughout the globe has made eating healthily a challenge (Boulos et al., 2012). 1stPerson: You know what, I have found that in a new strategy declaration on the position of media on fatness, the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on infrastructure and Media has warned the parents that watching TV does not just create the children more inactive, but at the same time influence their consumption behavior. This in turn has severe consequence for their physical condition (Harris et al., 2013). 2ndPerson: I do agree to your point, as the strategy declaration highlights the facts that the troubles of TV screening go further than endorsing immobility. Apart from that I have found that many studies have exposed that the children who expend long time sitting in front of TV are more probable to eat high-calorie foods, junk foods, soft drink, syrupy sodas and gradually grow up to be flabby adults (Boyland Halford, 2013). 1stPerson: You are absolutely correct and I do agree to your point. You know what; I have seen that much pediatrics, children development experts and the media researchers have thoroughly found out that food advertising largely make a payment towards the early days fatness in a number of ways. This generally takes into account the followings like, Huge time spent inspection TV detracts from time that could be spent in physical activity Eye-catching food advertisements on the televisions supports the children to make unhealthful choice of foods Apart from that, I have seen that the cross-promotion of food products and the television characters encourage the children to purchase as well as consume low-nutrient and high-calorie food products (Bernhardt et al., 2013) Most importantly, I have seen that the research works have suggested that children snack excessively at the time of accessing several types of media and at the same time eat less healthy at the time of watching television particularly 2ndPerson: I would like to add to your point that sugared snacks and soft drinks, cereal and fast food advertisements respectively compromise near about 32%, 31% and 9% of all the marketed advertisements respectively. Therefore, it is easily understood that marketing of junk foods to the target children in the society through commercial and social media has significantly become disastrously effective to the health condition of the children (Chandon Wansink, 2012). Conclusion After the detailed communication among the two persons regarding the role of media and TV advertisement on children obesity it has been found that both of them have serious concern on this topic. Therefore, it is understood that the big food companies and the drink corporations are under huge threat from the heath supporters and parents for bombing children with junk food publicity and complicated advertising methods. However, it is necessary to mention that not only the TV advertising influence the children, they can reach the students in nay ways like through new and constantly evolving the media platforms. In this part, some necessary recommendations are required to make to deal with the addressed condition in the society. Recommendation The fast food companies must clearly define the major terms like unhealthful foodstuff, unhealthful food advertising, children and directed to children Constantly and evidently demonstrate unhealthful foodstuff in sole agreement with the administration and methodical strategies Restricting all unhealthful foodstuff advertising on the TV at the times, when the offspring watch TV mostly, i.e. 6am to 9 am and 4pm to 9pm in weekdays and on weekends and school holidays it is from 5am to 12 pm and 4p.m to 9p.m. (Graff, Kunkel Mermin, 2012) It is required to make sure that compliance is regularly monitored Declare the actual bad effects on the packing of the fast foods, so that the children themselves can determine to consume that food or not (Harris Graff, 2012) References Bernhardt, A. M., Wilking, C., Adachi-Mejia, A. M., Bergamini, E., Marijnissen, J., Sargent, J. D. (2013). How television fast food marketing aimed at children compares with adult advertisements.PLoS One,8(8), e72479. Boulos, R., Vikre, E. K., Oppenheimer, S., Chang, H., Kanarek, R. B. (2012). ObesiTV: how television is influencing the obesity epidemic.Physiology behavior,107(1), 146-153. Boyland, E. J., Halford, J. C. (2013). Television advertising and branding. Effects on eating behaviour and food preferences in children.Appetite,62, 236-241. Cairns, G., Angus, K., Hastings, G., Caraher, M. (2013). Systematic reviews of the evidence on the nature, extent and effects of food marketing to children. A retrospective summary.Appetite,62, 209-215. Chandon, P., Wansink, B. (2012). Does food marketing need to make us fat? A review and solutions.Nutrition reviews,70(10), 571-593. Graff, S., Kunkel, D., Mermin, S. E. (2012). Government can regulate food advertising to children because cognitive research shows that it is inherently misleading.Health Affairs,31(2), 392-398. Harris, J. L., Graff, S. K. (2012). Protecting young people from junk food advertising: implications of psychological research for First Amendment law.American journal of public health,102(2), 214-222. Harris, J. L., Sarda, V., Schwartz, M. B., Brownell, K. D. (2013). Redefining child-directed advertising to reduce unhealthy television food advertising.American Journal of Preventive Medicine,44(4), 358-364.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Marketing Research In Business Environment â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Marketing Research In Business Environment? Answer: Introduction The technological development has transformed the business environment much drastically. In todays world, the business marketers are much fond of developing the business tactics to gather more customer support and strengthen the competitive edge (Trainor et al. 2014). The adoption of the advanced technologies is one of those suitable strategies that help the companies to gain the competitive advantage. The use of the different wearable and mobile technologies has changed the methods of collecting data. The Big data implementation has contributed to the market research field by gathering the unique types of data. The bigger influence on the traditional marketing has ensured the considerable growth in the market research field. The technological development has created numerous impacts on todays business world (Norman and Verganti 2014). The study would explore the case scenario of ResMarket Pty, the market research firm in Sydney. The company has decided to develop the technological a ctivities to enhance the market knowledge much significantly. It would be much helpful in drawing the attention of the potential clients for securing the competitive edge in this business market. Due to the high costs of the technologies, the company is much skeptical about the future development. Therefore, the study would present the extensive research on the impact of technologies on the marketing research process. Background ResMarket Pty is the market research company based in Sydney. The company gathers the relevant business data and the information of the clients to deliver the high quality products or services. The management identifies that development of new technologies would be much beneficial in gathering extensive research data whereas the market positioning would also be strengthened. However, the high costs of these technologies are the major determinants for creating the skeptical scenario for the company. However, it is even necessary to utilize the advantages of the technological development in the business world (Norman and Verganti 2014). The further study would present the impacts of technologies to eliminate the skeptical behaviour of the company. Changes brought to the marketing research by technological improvement In current time, the business functionalities have undergone a drastic change. Starting from checking e-mails to editing the relevant business presentation, the technological impacts have become much remarkable. According to Salojrvi et al. (2015), the technological changes have been transforming the business world into more efficient and agile. Especially, in terms of market research process, the contribution of the technological assessment is much commendable. The emergence of the Big Data has transformed the way of gathering information. The suitable technologies have been much helpful in carving out new opportunities. On the contrary, it is also much helpful in identifying the underlying pitfalls for obtaining the business intelligence (Norman and Verganti 2014). The following aspects are much influenced by the technological development process. Emergence of Social Media The emergence of the social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and Facebook has been expanding the competitive landscape of the market research. The innovative skills of social media are helping the business marketers to yield the unfiltered feedbacks (Chen, Chen and Zhou 2014). In fact, these platforms are much useful to promote brand awareness and establish the reputed position. Moreover, it has improved the establishment of the networks between the people worldwide. Therefore, the business marketers can easily get access to the feedback shared by the target customers. Improvements of the data collection process The continuous development of the new software to collect data is much appreciated. The development of the technologies improved the more relevant method of collecting data rather than using the traditional methods, such as survey, focus group, and interview process (Lucas Jr et al. 2013). The business marketers are able to focus on more targeted group due to the availability of the access to the customers feedback. Enhancements of the data analysis The increasing level of the data streams is enhancing the capability of the data analysis process. The technological development has made the method of analyzing the data in a most appropriate and accurate way. Currie and Seddon (2017) implied that the technological advancements are leading towards more sophistication. For example, many of the organisations use the advanced analytics for retaining the people and improving the loyalty for a longer time. The clear measurement of KPIs is also identified due to the technological advancements. Improvement of the Communication It is notable that the technological improvements have transformed the communicational process in business scenario. The market researchers need to communicate with the business clients more specifically for understanding their demands and requirements. The improvement in the technological tools has increased the communicational transparency due to which they can easily connect with people worldwide (Lichtenthaler and Lichtenthaler 2016). The responses derived from the clients help in understanding the business requirement for the long run. The establishment of the communication transparency is much necessary to gather trust and sustain the business for the longer time. Therefore, the selection of the suitable technological tools is much essential for the business (Norman and Verganti 2014). The measurement and monitoring of these technologies would determine the continuous quality development. Moreover, the technological development has been reducing the time and effort and making t he on time management of the business functionalities. Impact of Big Data on Market Research The technological advancements and the emergence of Big Data have been ensuring the new possibilities across the traditional method of the qualitative-quantitative spectrum. The current market research depends on the unique sample sizes and Big Data has facilitated this concern. Collection of the sample through Big Data is unique and gathered from different sources. It is necessary to mention that the technological advancements have enabled new methodologies through wearable and mobile data collection process (Slater, Mohr and Sengupta 2014). It is quite effective enough in avoiding the over-reliance on self-support and created the positive impact on the industry. The analytics of big data has ensured the high growth areas in the evidence and research market. Conclusion The above analysis provides the insightful ideas about the technological impact on the business scenario. It can be implied that ResMarket Pty can develop the technological by eliminating the skeptical sense. The one time investment on technologies can ascertain the future development of the competitive edge. The innovative skills of social media are helping the business marketers to yield the unfiltered feedbacks. Therefore, the company can connect to the larger number of business clients for business dealings. The changed data analysis process reduces the risks of the data breaching since the company can derive the feedback directly from the clients. The current market research depends on the unique sample sizes and Big Data has facilitated this concern. Collection of the sample through Big Data is unique and gathered from different sources. The impact of Big Data is thus quite appreciable in the market research field. The proper maintenance and ability to handle these technologies determines the durability. Hence, the proper training and development would be require prior to use these technologies in the real life business scenario. References Chen, X., Chen, A.X. and Zhou, K.Z., 2014. Strategic operations, foreign parent control, and differentiation capability building of international joint ventures in an emerging market.Journal of International Marketing,22(3), pp.30-49. Currie, W.L. and Seddon, J.J., 2017. The regulatory, technology and market dark arts trilogyof high frequency trading: a research agenda.Journal of Information Technology,32(2), pp.111-126. Lichtenthaler, U. and Lichtenthaler, U., 2016. Determinants of absorptive capacity: the value of technology and market orientation for external knowledge acquisition.Journal of Business Industrial Marketing,31(5), pp.600-610. Lucas Jr, H.C., Agarwal, R., Clemons, E.K., El Sawy, O.A. and Weber, B., 2013. Impactful Research on Transformational Information Technology: An Opportunity to Inform New auditing.Mis Quarterly,37(2). Norman, D.A. and Verganti, R., 2014. Incremental and radical innovation: Design research vs. technology and meaning change.Design issues,30(1), pp.78-96. Salojrvi, H., Ritala, P., Sainio, L.M. and Saarenketo, S., 2015. Synergistic effect of technology and customer relationship orientations: consequences for market performance.Journal of Business Industrial Economy,30(5), pp.511-520. Slater, S.F., Mohr, J.J. and Sengupta, S., 2014. Radical product innovation capability: Literature review, synthesis, and illustrative research propositions.Journal of Product Innovation Management,31(3), pp.552-566. Trainor, K.J., Andzulis, J.M., Rapp, A. and Agnihotri, R., 2014. Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM.Journal of Business Research,67(6), pp.1201-1208.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Type B Lymphoma Essays - Body Ache, Jan Brady, Fading Glow
Victoria Herrera English Composition September 7, 2010 Laurie Clemems Sister The sunlight slowly crept in through the long narrow window and slowly inched its way to touch Mayra?s yellowish skin. It was the beginning of August but the summers heat was nowhere to be found in the cold hospital room that made my body ache for warmth. She looked tired as the sunlight caressed her fragile skin and highlighted her once strong facial features. Although the nurses told us she could not feel any pain, her swollen figure made me wonder. Mayra?s fading glow confirmed my uneasy feeling that her death was eminent. Her illness invaded her body quickly, never giving her a chance at survival. The unfortunate events during her illness were not only distressing, but also challenged my strength and my faith. I was on vacation, outside willingly baking under the sizzling hot sunlight when I received a disturbing phone call from my mother. ?Mayra?s sick, so we?re taking her to the emergency room,? she informed me. This answered my lingering question as to why Mayra had not been answering my phone calls or text messages. Mom asked me to come home as soon I could. The thought of cutting my vacation short made me so angry I felt my blood boil under my skin and steam through every pore on my body. Mayra. Mayra. Mayra. Its always about Mayra I thought and truly felt like Jan Brady. I told my mom I would only go home if anything major was going on, and to keep me posted on the ER visit. After all, Mayra was pretty melodramatic and she was in the middle of a long painful battle against Lupus. I was certain she was just experiencing a flare she couldn?t get under control. I assumed the doctor would just change one of her many medications or prescribe her some other drug that would make her all bet ter. Mayra was at the hospital all afternoon and well into the wee hours of the night. Finally after hours of waiting, the verdict was finally in; suspicious lesions had been discovered on her liver and spleen. Her doctor moved quickly and arranged a transfer to a hospital in Denver that was better equipped to provide the medical attention she needed. It was the beginning of the end. I returned to Burlington, made childcare arrangements for our children and began my journey to Denver. While I was driving a million thoughts raced through my head and every tear that rolled down my cheek carried all my fears and insecurities. When I arrived at the hospital I made my way through the labyrinth of halls until I finally reached the Intensive Care Unit on the sixth floor. I didn?t know what to expect as I inched my way toward her room. I peeked my head and greeted her with a, ?BOO!? I immediately noticed the yellowish tint of her skin and on the white part of her eyes as she invited me in. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail with loose strands of hair here and there. It appeared to me that her nurse had hooked her up to every piece of equipment she could find. The deep bruises were beginning to form under her skin; evidence to her recent encounter with IV needles and phlebotomist. She sat up in bed trying to talk between her rapid breathing. I crept my way toward her an d even though my Mom had warned me not to cry, I felt the tears building behind my eyelids threatening to break free every time I blinked. I sat next to her on a cold folding chair and held her feverish hand. I told her I couldn?t handle our mother by myself and she couldn?t leave me. I reminded her of a promise she had made years earlier when she had been diagnosed with lupus. I made her promise me that she would never die and that she would always be okay. She closed her eyes and nodded enlightened my the memory of that promise. ?I?m working on that and I?m gonna try my best,? she whispered softly as she gasped for air. The tears I was trying to hold back burned
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Sustainable Guest And Host Phenomenon In Hospitality Tourism Essays
Sustainable Guest And Host Phenomenon In Hospitality Tourism Essays Sustainable Guest And Host Phenomenon In Hospitality Tourism Essay Sustainable Guest And Host Phenomenon In Hospitality Tourism Essay for case Homer often speaks about cordial reception in his work ( OGorman A ; Brooks, 2007 ) . Furthermore, OGorman and Brooks ( 2007 ) explain a recent illustration of a literature publication ; the Harry Potter aggregation, where hospitality permeates all the seven books to the extent that it about goes unnoticed . The invitee and host relationship has elaborated on to the extremes of unconditional cordial reception ( Derrida, 2000 ) , where the host gives everything and requires nil in return. Furthermore, it has been argued by Tefler ( 2000 ) that there is no unconditioned cordial reception, and discussed the motive behind cordial reception. Ritzer ( 2007 ) portrays cordial reception to be losing hospitableness and inquiries what will go on to the industry if its chief thought of cordial reception would be lost. The purpose of this paper is to research the phenomenon of cordial reception further, concentrating peculiarly on detecting a fresh invitee and host relationship cons truct ; exemplifying the direct cordial reception relationship between H2O and the human freedom experience. Primarily it will explicate what both worlds and the H2O compound have to offer each other in the instance of hospitableness. Further, it will explicate why H2O can be related to the topic within the cordial reception industry. Main organic structure Is there such thing as cordial reception between the human existences and H2O? Indeed there is nevertheless it has non been referred to in the context of a cordial reception relationship. Numerous studies and articles have been published by the United Nations Development Programme concentrating on the Human Development Reports refering H2O and its cleanliness. Further, they are increasing worlds consciousness that water is a shared duty ( United Nations Development Programme, 2006 ) , therefore informing people to increase and better their cordial reception towards H2O. The United Nations Human Development Programme is invariably bring forthing and developing programmes in action and in composing to increase the consciousness of worlds about clean H2O and how of import it is to continue it. Data collected by frogmans during International Cleanup Day is reported in the Ocean Conservancy s Marine Debris Index showing informations collected and tallied by voluntaries worldwide. Underw ater information is besides used in a particular study on Marine litter by the United Nations Environment Program, called Marine Litter: A Global Challenge , ( Keo, 2009 ) . Human development is first and foremost about leting people to take a life that they value and enabling them to recognize their possible as human existences ( DerviAY , 2006 ) . Furthermore, the United Nations find it of import to emphasize and convey it to public attending that clean H2O is scarce and should be looked after every bit good as protected and treated with regard. Over the past old ages they have created ends over and over once more to distribute the consciousness to as many people as possible, for case the Millennium Development Goals ( Watkins, 2006 ) . In add-on, literature authors mention hapless sanitation as a discourtesy to the human right for clean H2O, Victor Hugo ( 1862 ) in his celebrated novel Les Miserables wrote, the cloaca is the scruples of the metropolis . Furthermore, to foregr ound the importance of the touchable being of H2O as a demand for life among all populating things in the universe, the United Nations Human Development Programme explains its scarceness and true value, dire warnings have been posted indicating to the glooming arithmetic of lifting population and worsening H2O handiness. Is the universe running out of H2O? ( DerviAY , 2006 ) , irrespective of the fact that the Human Development programme dressed ores extremely on the fact that H2O is non distributed every bit in the universe and that the 3rd universe states suffer more because of the hapless sanitation, this issue affects all the people around the Earth, due to their irresponsibleness and carelessness towards the critical compound. Viewed at a planetary degree, there is more than adequate H2O to travel about and run into all of humanity s demands. So why is H2O scarceness a job? Partially because H2O, like wealth, is unevenly distributed between and within states, ( Watkins, 200 6 ) , so does this mean that H2O is bit by bit going more of import that oil? To go on, many faiths, civilizations and folks acknowledge H2O as a critical constituent for the lives of every populating thing on this planet, By means of H2O , says the Koran, we give life to everything. That simple instruction captures a deeper wisdom. Peoples need H2O every bit certainly as they need O: without it life could non be, reported by DerviAY ( 2006 ) in the Human Development Report. Ancient Egypt, Greek mythology refers to H2O as the component of life. However, if viewed from a different position, it may be argued that H2O takes a terrible toll in people itself ; as a message from God to penalize the worlds for their irresponsibleness, the great inundation that merely saved the necessary life animate beings and people to go on the race, I am traveling to convey floodwaters on the Earth to destruct all life under the celestial spheres, every animal that has the breath of life in it. Everything on Earth will die , ( Bible, Genesis 6:17, 1984 ) . Additionally, more r ecent natural catastrophes affecting H2O may be related to which wiped out big figure of people. Examples would include Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans on August 23rd, 2005 and the Tsunami that struck the touristry country of Thailand on 26th December, 2004. This may be referred to as the natural compound: H2O taking its retaliation on worlds ( planetary heating? ) in order to learn them a lesson and do them understand how of import their relationship with one another is and that one can profit greatly from the other. Knowledge is power, ( Bacon, 1567 ) nevertheless, even though necessary information on how to contend H2O catastrophes is available and circulated by organisations such as the authorities and the United Nations ; there is still deficiency of cognition and power about why these inundations and H2O related catastrophes occur. Therefore, despite the fact that there is a huge sum of information on what are hospitality and its dealingss, it is yet still deficient to find its precise relation to certain features of people and things, such as H2O. Apnea is a interlingual rendition from Ancient Greek that means without take a breathing , it is therefore apparent that free-diving is an ancient construct of the cordial reception relationship between worlds and H2O that is being researched in this paper. The oldest archeological findings that confirm plunging are dated back to 7000 10000 B.C. At the seashore of Baltic Sea there was a colony called the shellfish feeders and are thought to be the first civilisation to free-dive , ( AIDA, 2007 ) . Hospitality gathers together a broad scope of things, when looking at the relationship of the worlds and H2O, infinite resemblance may be found with the ordinary apprehension of cordial reception, nevertheless in a more typical manner picturing the positive and negative facets of the industry. Free-diving offers a new alone experience to the human organic structure and head. Scuba-diving offers the invitees: humans the chances non merely to comprehend the universe they are sing but of fer the chance to convey something back: cognition and experience something novel: freedom and lightness. Furthermore, H2O provides an abundant supply of occupations for people willing every bit good as qualified to work straight or indirectly with H2O, water-people advertises and invariably recruits persons interested in such employment. Finally, worlds covering with water straight or indirectly do offer something in return ; saving and grasp of the underwater universe which covers most of this planet. Many people perceive themselves as invitees and act non merely responsibly but besides show respect by forming cleaning undertakings and under H2O consciousness plans. Last twelvemonth 390,881 voluntaries from 110 states participated in Project AWARE s International Cleanup Day. For the more than a decennary PAF has teamed up with PADI frogmans ( Professional Association of Dive Instructors ) and the Ocean Conservancy to form a planetary International Cleanup Day of the universe s oceans and shorelines , ( Keo, 2009 ) . PADI is non merely an organisation which receives big net incomes for supplying submerged amusement and preparation for interested persons but besides is extremely involved in supplying businesss and in continuing the environment they are utilizing to research, learn and work in. The mission statement ; project AWARE Foundation conserves submerged environments through instruction, protagonism and action ( undertaking AWARE, 1992 ) has been runing for many old ages as portion of PADI, and is now presently running as a exclusive non-profit organisation, working on educating people how to continue the submerged environment every bit good as invariably advancement and take action in following their mission statement. It is of import component of instruction harmonizing Wood ( 2000 ) aqualung drivers and snorkelers are damaging coral reefs through repeated inordinate contact, every bit good as the locals who remove the corals to sell it as tourer keepsakes in a despairing effort to get away the utmost poorness accentuated by the tourer trade. With reassurance that H2O is H2O and it is something we come across in our day-to-day lives as we know it ; intending that it is something we swim in, something we drink every bit good as it is something that falls from the sky. These significances and understanding are developed socially and experientially. Therefore, when looking at the United Nations Human Development studies about their H2O conserving programme it is easy to understand the importance of their concerns and actions. Due to the fact that the bulk of the people are brought up with the apprehensions that clean H2O is indispensable for their being. Furthermore, PADI is an organisation which offers the obvious to its clients and the outside populace, submerged saving and cleansing. The grounds they keep posting this information is to remind worlds about these issues and their significance ; therefore foregrounding the ways a invitee should move in relationship to the host. This attack explains that who we are and how we understand the universe and what it provides is how we understand ourselves, others and the universe. This is important, in order to demo that if a individual is non responsible and is brought up in a hapless environment they will non believe twice about the saving of the submerged universe and frailty versa. Additionally, this has a direct relationship to clean sanitation ; if 3rd universe states people have a deficiency of clean H2O they will non see continuing it, since they are in despairing demand of it. Therefore, the invitee and host relationship between H2O and the human experience with the compound is comparative to the upbringing, personal perceptual experiences and apprehension of the person. This may be reversed to demo H2O as the invitee in our human universe ; nevertheless it will non be accurate, due to the fact that H2O is what it is and can non be anything else. It a touchable compound which provides to the host itself as a acquisition environment, in order for the worlds ( hosts ) to larn on how to populate with it and how to accommodate to it. Water can non be anything else other than what it is, it has no witting as the human existences, and therefore it is difficult to presume that the compound can be a invitee. Decision or Hospitality and Water In decision, it may be said with certainty that H2O Acts of the Apostless as a host in this cordial reception relationship. Furthermore, the textual analysis show that H2O is a strongly generous compound that has plentifulness to offer to the worlds around the universe. Doctors use H2O to assistance people with back jobs, Marine life scientists use H2O for educational intents every bit good as do plunging partisans, to boot H2O offers employment and energy commissariats, such as electricity. Due to most of the planet being covered by H2O, fresh and salty, deep and shallow, the instruction that the compound provides is greater than we think. Legends have been created, such as the Loch Ness Monster, and legion fabulous fables about Poseidon have been written, even by the greatest author in our history, like Homer. Showing touristry dependant of H2O. A big figure of tourers has frequently had negative effects for the sustainable usage of the available resources, which in bend has had an consequence on the unity of the ecosystems. In the popular tourer s finishs in developing counties the local populations are already sing H2O shortages on a day-to-day footing. In the hereafter, if the expected addition in tourer Numberss occurs, the force per unit area on the aquifer will correspondingly addition. It could be average that the touristry in the most finishs becomes unsustainable, which could hold an inauspicious consequence on the national economic system and besides on the local population and environment. Water is a strong and critical compound which has direct influence over people s lives. Free diving and scuba diving may be considered unsafe and utmost out-of-door H2O athleticss, nevertheless, the primary thing that teachers of these subjects say, if moving harmonizing to the regulations and ordinances written in educational publications every bit good as if demoing regard towards the universe below sea degree and recognizing that you are merely a invitee who uses the chance to see and larn something distinctively original ; the H2O will open its doors and act as a sort host. However, it is indispensable to maintain in head that like animate being, H2O can be unpredictable and accidents may happen. Mother Nature is mature and unprompted, if a natural catastrophe work stoppages or something that can non be influenced happens, merely like within any other invitee and host relationship, things do non ever travel as planned and may non be smooth ; worlds have to understand that it is l ike holding an unpleasant repast experience in a eating house, it is non knowing and it may non of happened on intent. Bad things happen to good people and that is a fact to be taken into consideration, H2O should non be blamed, but it should instead be perceived as a warning that it is non a compound to play with or disrespect. The negative impacts of touristry development can bit by bit destruct the environmental resources on which it depends. On the other manus, touristry has the possible to make good effects on the environment by lending to environmental protection and preservation. Turning of worlds demand on the universe s handiness fresh water supplies go oning. In the effort to pull off H2O to run into human demands, the demands of fresh water species and ecosystems have mostly been abandoned, and the ecological effects have been ruinous. Healthy fresh water ecosystems provide a wealth of goods and services for civilisation, but our business of fresh water flows must be bett er managed to run intoing the demands of the present without compromising the ability of future coevalss to run into their demands Brundtland ( 1987 ) To sum up, H2O as a host in the cordial reception relationship teaches us to be patient and passionate every bit good as a generous and sort host. In add-on, due to its olympian beauty and power over the invitee it shows clemency every bit good as genuinely echt cordial reception qualities. However, it may non be called unconditioned cordial reception ( Derrida, 2000 ) , since in return H2O expects the worlds to handle it with expected regard and self-respect. Therefore, following Ritzer s ( 2007 ) sentiment that cordial reception is vanishing may be argued, since there is a echt invitee and host relationship ; as Tefler ( 2000 ) explains, a invitee expects something in return, even if it is intangible, which is the instance in this cordial reception relationship. Overall, H2O Acts of the Apostless as a lector demoing the professionals within the cordial reception industry how to better and be a better host, in order to do the experience a more positive 1. It does this by offering it s hoarded wealth and unexpected wow factors underwater every bit good as an unpredictable environment every clip ; invention and alteration is the manner frontward in doing the experience one of its sort and therefore more floating and satisfying.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Financial Time series including ARCH-Garch models Research Paper
Financial Time series including ARCH-Garch models - Research Paper Example 'Financial Time series including ARCH-Garch models' forms the basis of financial and macroeconomics where model builders use stochastic processes to test and construct equations of economic variables. Time varying volatility and non-stationarity has largely contributed to the understanding and applicability of financial time series. Economic variables are referred as non-stationary when there is no tendency of being linear or constant and assume stochastic trends. Empirical research is often conducted in macroeconomics to estimate variable relationships and test hypothesis of the theories of macroeconomics. Empirical financial models are formulated based on cointergration concept that forms the basis of the major breakthrough in macro and financial economics. The aspect of volatility is important to financial economics such as the stock exchange and capital markets. Indeed, financial managers and analyst have repeatedly used the time series volatility model to forecast volatility and make relevant decision concerning future and current investments in the financial markets. Financial time series plays a big role in modeling and forecasting the financial operations of such corporations for countermeasures and avoidance of future financial crisis. The dynamics of corporate returns and stock prices can be effectively managed through application of financial time series and forecasting. Fluctuations of returns and the speculative prices in the stock markets are presented and modeled by time series volatility, which helps in decision making in investment. ... The dynamics of corporate returns and stock prices can be effectively managed through application of financial time series and forecasting. Fluctuations of returns and the speculative prices in the stock markets are presented and modeled by time series volatility, which helps in decision making in investment. Time series models such as the autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity are used by financial analyst to determine the relationship between returns and risks levels in investments. Volatility of the sequence of the returns in money markets, foreign exchange markets, and stock markets are best described by the autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model in financial time series. Advance usage of the autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model is also used in the futures markets and by profession and executives in the stock markets to enforce counteractive measures to stabilize the markets. China stock market is a good example of a market that has successfully used the autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model to describe the market2 Arch Methodology This financial time series model is used to forecast random variables from information of past variable trends and linearity through specific universal assumptions on the conditional macroeconomic and financial economic variables. Forecast of variables depends on past information with regards to conditional and random variables assumption although conditional variance in conventional models does not depend on the random variables past information but on estimations and test. Econometric use of the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Model focuses on the limitations of forecasting in resultant prediction of the future that varies from one period to
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